Navigator Eco-Logical

Navigator Eco-Logical 75g.m-2 is a paper with a strong weight on the balance with nature. The light style of Eco-Logical promotes a more efficient use of resources while guaranteeing the performance of a Premium Quality.

In addition, you will experience a considerable waste reduction due to a greater machine performance in all office equipments, minimising the number of machine jams, which usually are responsible for the wasted paper, time, energy and man power.

Navigator Eco-logical 75g.m-2 is a paper with a strong weight on the balance with nature.

The light style of Eco-Logical promotes a more efficient use of resources while guaranteeing the performance of a Premium Quality, suitable for copier, laser and inkjet.

Navigator Eco-logical is the first office paper to offer 100% Satisfaction to the end user backed by a product replacement guarantee.